Sunday, April 8, 2012

CuRLs mAtteR

HeLLo, it's been superrrrrr long time I didn't update my blog!! My life is superrrrr busy and stress since I'm studying part time now....I just keep asking myself this what I really want???!!! hmmm.......I've been struggling on this issue few months, it's just killing me!!!
Well, just stop thinking about least on the saturday night..yea^^
I think I'm one of the lazy woman in this world..haha...
I need someone to inspire and motivate me to dress up sometimes, at least put on some makeup and style my hair.
So em....I practise to curl my hair over again =)
I used hair spray to maintain the curls last saturday night..and apply mascara and draw my eyebrow^^
I'm gonna apply full makeup next time, if I'm not lazy...hehe...
TADA ~~ here's my look ~~~

 I tried not to use styling product after curl last night, and it just last about 1 to 2 hours:( Is it bcoz of my hair not volume enough? Or my skill not good enough???!!!:P

Hmm... my boyfie said my DIY so-so only..:(
Never mind,  
I'll practise more, hehe...
Remember?! Practise Make Perfect =)
From now on, I gotta remind myself every single day .... XOXO..